Friday, January 18, 2008

My Husband

I was looking through my wedding scrapbook today and couldn't help but pause and say a prayer of thanks to God for giving me such an amazing partner in life. Nick is the most amazing man I have ever met and I just can't help but think of how amazing God is when I am with my husband. Nick is such an amazing man of integrity and honesty. Qualities that so many men today lack. He always does the right thing even if it might mean less money, working harder, or not getting credit for something he did. He has the most amazing servant's heart. He is always the one willing to do the background work and stay in the shadows. He teaches me so much about servant hood and loving others.

One of the things that I love most about my husband is his desire to be a Godly husband and father. He had a really hard home and family life growing up and lacked good examples of a Christian husband and family and yet he doesn't let that get in the way of seeking that for our family now. He is willing to seek Godly counsel and do whatever he needs to do and I am just so inspired by that. Most people just do what they know, but Nick refuses to do that. If he meets someone who is a good husband or father he is not to proud to say, "Hey, how do you do that?" and because of his willingness to ask he has received some wonderful Godly wisdom. He wants only the best for our marriage and our family and I feel so secure knowing this.

I love how Nick values me and my place in our family. He loves that I stay home and encourages me to do so until our kids are out of the house and longer if I want! He sees the value of having a wife at home and that makes me feel so treasured. In a world where being a stay-at-home mom is often seen as unimportant or even that a woman who stays home is being lazy I love that my husband sees what I do as not only good, but the best thing I could do. I love that even though he realizes we would have a lot more money if I were working he places our marriage, children, and home above that.

Not to say that our marriage is perfect or that Nick is perfect. We have definitely had our disagreements and it has taken some time to "figure each other out." But, the point is that we did it. In a country where over half the marriages end in divorce and even "Christians" divorce at the same rate, we never considered such things and looked for solutions to our problems. We are now blessed with a happy Christian marriage that will only grow stronger as we work harder and I praise God for that! I praise God for the people He puts in our lives to help us build up our marriage and family life and for wisdom in the coming months as we prepare for yet another big life change.

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