This being overdue thing waiting for Sophie to be born is not fun! I feel sick and tired and uncomfortable pretty much all the time! AND, it has started... people calling, e-mailing, and leaving messages asking if the baby has been born yet! AHH! I promise, I will not keep it a secret when she gets here!! I know that people are just being thoughtful and are curious but as any one who has gone past their due date can relate it always just feels like a giant reminder that the baby isn't here yet!! I am hormonal anyway so it is just frustrating and annoying hearing the same things over and over again! I feel like my whole life is this dialogue...
-"Have you had the baby yet?"
-"No, not yet"
-"Well, what are you waiting for?" or "do you think she is ever going to come out?"
It is definetly enough to reduce a pregnant woman to a puddle of tears!
I am sorry, I just had to vent! And, I know that pretty much everyone who reads my blog is a mom or is a great friend and none of you have asked me this question which I appreciate more than you will ever know!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
i'm praying that sophie makes her entrance SOON! i wasn't even overdue (luke was born on his due date) and people called me i was bored at home but couldn't go anywhere (by anywhere i mean wal-mart :) because everyone would stop and grill me about the status of the baby being born. argh!
okay, i said all that to say this: i know how you feel and will say extra prayers for you today!
Katie, I feel for you you, my first was 2 weeks early and with my 2nd I had to be induced on my due date due to complications or she would have been late!! I was so sure with my 2nd that she would come early, too; since her sister had. I am sure little miss Sophie will make her grand debut any time now. I have kind of had this hunch for a few days now, that she and Zach will be born on the same day. Don't ask me why, because I honestly have no clue! So, hopefully she will be here no later than tomorrow. Think positive....if you do have to be induced...from the time they broke my water to me actually delivering was only like 3 hours max...if even that. Easiest delivery my doc went ahead and gave me an epidural as soon as they started the potocin drip:) It was NICE!! Don't know if you plan on having an epidural or not; I couldn't do it without one...I'm too big of a whimp!! Anywho, best of WILL all be over shortly and for now....just let the emails, let voicemail get the calls, and try and RELAX...I know easier said than done!! I'll be praying for you and little miss Sophie.
I love you! :) You make me SMILE!! :) I totally understand (although I am not yet overdue, people STILL ask me when he is coming, today at church I even had a lady tell me she though I might POP at any moment!!! Ummm, not a good thing to say to a very pregnant woman! Could she have BEEN any less sensitive? :):)) I think we should write a book about the silly things people say when you are pregnant!! At the beginning of the book we will address the question..."Don't you know what makes babies?!?!" YES, I KNOW, I know, I know!! Jeez people! :)
We are also praying for Sophie to come SOON!! Wouldn't it be fun for her and Zack to have the same birthday!?!?! Love you much!!!
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