So, it has come to my attention that I have a very strong-willed child. All of my Christian sisters reading this are probably saying in their heads, "go pick up Dr. Dobson's The Strong Willed Child!" Okay, but here is the thing... I don't like Dr. Dobson! Well, really it is nothing personal against Dr. Dobson... although his political agenda drives me crazy sometimes (but that is a whole other blog post!) It is just that... well... everyone who tells me they love Dr. Dobson and read him exclusively... well, I don't like being around their children! This probably isn't true in all cases! And trust me... it is not anyone who I know reads this blog!
I just feel like their are a handful of people who tell me that Dr. Dobson is a miracle worker... as their children are screaming and throwing tantrums in public or running around my home climbing down the back of my furniture! You know? For me it is like if someone in 100,000$ of debt handed me a book on finances, or someone who just got divorced telling me about the best book to save your marriage!
I know that no ones children are perfect and that is not what I expect! But, I do come into contact with some well behaved children now and then... and I want to read the books that those parents are reading!. Now I know this is a huge over generalization and I am not being fair! So, if you love Dr. Dobson please tell me why and I really will give him a chance! Or, if you have anyone better to offer please do! I would really prefer author's coming from a Christian background or view point!
Thank you! (And really, no offense to anyone who likes Dr. Dobson... I have just had a few run ins lately!!)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
so nice to see you posting again! i have no idea who dr. dobson is so...ya. lol
i'm not a huge fan of dobson either, mostly because he seems more interested in making his name in politics than helping families. i haven't read any of his books but when his little radio thing comes on i change the station. :)
which of your children is the strong willed one? i think i can guess. :)
I actually like Dobson but I know that only one book has ALL the answers-the Bible.
I think that any Christian parenting book will get you started with strategies and help you make positive changes
I am dealing with a very strong willed child. Many times she simply refuses to do what I've told her simply because she doesn't want to. When it gets bad like that, I put her in timeout, and myself in timeout.
When I think of James Dobson, I think of Focus on the Family and when I think of Focus on the Family, I think of Adventures in Odyssey. I truely thing that radio series was one of the biggest factors in shaping who I am. So many great moral values were taught. My Lily is now listening to them and hopefully learning as well. I think there is no book that can magically fix a child. lol. But good moral values being taught is key. I personally see the fruit of James Dobson's work with Focus on the Family and I think it has had a great impact on so many. :)
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