Hello wonderful family and friends!
We have been living in St. Louis for nearing on 2 months now. Wow, I can't believe it! Sophie will be a month old on Sunday which is totally crazy to me! She gets more beautiful every day. And, Max of course gets cuter everyday too!
Well, if everything goes through, as of September 26th we will no longer be homeowners! Please keep the closing of our house in your prayers as it is a little stressful! But, we are so grateful for it selling so quickly. God is so good.
Originally our plan was to stay with my Grandma until our house sold and then rent something while we pay off our debt and then save for a downpayment on a new house. Well, we thought it would take a lot longer to sell our house. And, we are loving living here (I think my Grandma is enjoying it too). So, as long as everyone is happy with the arrangement we are going to keep living here for the next 8-10 months I am thinking. That way we don't have to rent and we can go ahead and buy a house as soon as we have enough money saved. And, we should be able to buy a fairly decent house that we will be able to stay in for quite awhile! We are so blessed that this situation has presented itself. My Grandma is so amazing for keeping us! We love her!
So, that is our plan! As always, we love to hear from everyone whenever you get the chance!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
that's terrific news about your house and your grandma's hospitality!
i meant to leave a comment on your last post but time got away from me. anyway, thanks for posting about the finances. you described my way of thinking exactly (about sacrifices and expecting god to make up the difference). i haven't been doing all i should to manage our family's money well and i went home and apologized to dan and we reworked our budget. (with a solemn vow on my part to keep to it better than i have been.)
so thanks! :)
luke will make a terrific superman--he loves it when i tie his blanket around his neck like a cape. i'm not crafty at all, i just picked up a costume at wal-mart. last year he was a lion and slept through most of the trunk-or-treat at church.
are you going to dress max and sophie in matching costumes or completely different ones?
school year is okay so far. i've been making lesson plans for the rest of the quarter and january isn't too far away--ack!
What the Miracles are up to:
We're in the process of buying a house. We're hoping we'll know enough to put an offer in on one this weekend. I'm trying my best to not be stressed about it, but it's a battle. My grandparents are investing some money into the house to help us with a downpayment, so we're so blessed and thankful for them. Matt's parents are also cosigning because to the bank, we can't afford a house, but in reality, we can. They don't count scholarships (which I don't understand because the government does when you have to pay taxes), but Matt gets a really great scholarship. So, it looks like tonight we'll be talking with each other, his parents, and my grandparents and have a decision soon. I just applied for a staff position in the library (where both Matt and already work as student workers). I'm not getting my hopes up at all about it. I'm definitely the most qualified person who will probably apply, but last time I was a top pick, but because of a change in the job description, I was automatically disqualified. Matt and I are both in our second (and last) year of our Masters. I have to write my proposal (ASAP) for my thesis. Matt will go on to get his DMA (Doctorate of Musical Arts), and I'm going to apply to get another Masters (this time in Speech and Hearing science). I decided that I was drawn to teaching originally because I love working with people in a helping environment, but it was too overwhelming for me. I think becoming a speech pathologist will be the right thing for me. I can work in schools or hospitals, or even open a private practice, and I'll still get to help people who really need it (it could be children or adults (like those who've had a stroke)). I'm definitely excited to get started on that :)
This is really long, so I'll quit there! I'm so glad you have a blog--I love to hear how you're doing :) Have a great day!
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