Nick and I have started the new habit of praying together before bed time and I can already feel it having transforming power on our relationship. Our prayer time as a couple was usually more before meals and when we were praying about something specific. But, I think this new prayer time will be so amazing for us. Already I feel like we are more on the same page and in-tune with each other. And, I just love the power of the two of us coming together and praying for God's blessing on each other and our family.
I have always struggled a little to share myself spiritually with my husband. I am a little intimidated by him because he knows the Bible so well and I don't. But, I believe that I was letting Satan take away something from our marriage and family by not opening up and sharing with my husband.
Nick and I both grew up in homes where God was kind of a church thing except for praying before meals and we both desperately want to raise our children to know that God is an all the time thing. We want them to know that He is the center of our lives and that we hope He will be the center of their's. I think that Nick and I praying together at night will really help us feel more open to talk about God in our home. And, I also believe that God will teach us how to make Him the center of our home.
So, please be praying for us in our new praying endeavor! And if you don't already I encourage you to try to make a new habit of praying daily with your husband, just the two of you! (Or if you aren't married just keep it in mind for the future and don't wait 3 years to start!)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
Hey friend!! What a great new habit for you guys to start!! We always take special time together right before bed to wind down, talk about our days and pray together, just the two of us!! We even share prayer requests with one another, then we pray for those things right then and there! It is AMAZING!! God will certainly bless your marrige through this time together!! Love you!
Since I've been webstalking you for a while, I thought I'd give you the chance to webstalk me (haha!) :)
I don't have my very own blog, but my cousin had a great idea of having a family blog since we're getting so spread out (from Virginia to Arizona). You can check it out at
Have a fabulous night!
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