Sometimes I just feel the need to add a new post even when I don't really have anything to say! So, I guess I will start by updating everyone on our little family!
Nick is doing well. Last week he had a crazy week at work and had to work a lot! He didn't get home until after 7 most nights and had to work on Saturday:-( But, he gets paid hourly so I couldn't get too upset. Plus, it was so weird, he was in such a great mood all week. Nick is happiest when he feels like he is accomplishing things. So, even though it was kind of rough not having him home as much as I would like, I was happy that he got to get so much done! This week was much better.
Max is doing very well too. He is definetly 2 so tantrums are a pretty normal occurance around here. He is definetly growing up so fast. Lately he likes to "read" to us a lot. It is pretty amazing to us how many of his books he has memorized. Even ones we don't read that often! The other day he was playing with blocks on the floor and he saw one of his books lying on the floor next to him and without even picking the book up he started to recite parts of it. It was so sweet!
Sophie is also doing well. I took her for her 2 month check-up today and am happy to report a very healthy little girl! She weighs 13 pounds, 8 ounces and is in the 97% for weight! Woa! So, I don't worry that she isn't getting enough to eat while breastfeeding anymore! She is also sleeping pretty well at night. She usually goes for about 8 hours at a time which I am very pleased with. She is definetly getting more of a personality. She gives us big smiles and coos all the time now and she is totally infatuated with her big brother!
I am doing well too! I am loving getting to spend so much time with my family. I LOVE getting to be a mom and a wife right now too! Sometimes I get this "stay at home mom" guilt where I feel guilty for not bring in an income or like I am not sucessful because I don't have a "career". But, Nick and I had such an awesome talk about it the other day and he just made me feel so much better about it. He expressed that he really didn't want me to work and that he hopes I never do. He enjoys the calm life we have because we aren't trying to balance 2 jobs and our family. That affirmed me so much! I don't think there is anything wrong with women working!! But, I am just glad my husband and I are both totally on the same page with the choice we made for our family!
Other than that I guess I don't have much to report! We hope everyone is doing well! We are hoping to try to catch a few Springfield friends the Saturday after Thanksgiving (although, I know that might be a difficult day for some people!). But, as always, let us know if you are ever in the area!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
I'm so glad everything's going well! It's wonderful to hear Max is so enthusiastic about reading, whether it's just memorization for now or not. I remember "reading" my first book to my grandparents when I was a kid, and I was so proud! I could probably still recite some of it, actually :)
I'm also glad Nick reaffirmed your career choice :) Ultimately, it's what I'd like to do to, I think. I've been thinking a lot lately about my next move, in terms of schooling towards my career, and I've just been so nervous it's not what I want to do, or that I'll change my mind halfway through (like I did with education). I've been wondering if I'm so unsure about it because I really just want to do the same thing you're doing when the time comes. I'm glad you posted, because it sort of opened my eyes to that. Thanks :)
Matt and I will sign papers today to close on our first home! I'm so excited! We won't get the keys til Monday, probably, because the bank will need to see all of the signed papers.
I also just found out yesterday I got a staff job at the library where I already work! It's been quite a weekend already!
Have a great day!
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