So, I have been wanting to write this post for the past few days but hadn't gotten the chance yet! This is the biggest news to hit the Ramsey house since Sophie Nichole was born almost 4 months ago. So, here it goes...
WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!! WOO HOO!!! Nick and I are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves. It has been on our heart to become debt free for the past few years. We had started reading Dave Ramsey and really exploring the Bible on this issue and came to strongly feel convicted to get out of debt and stay out of debt. I am not saying Nick and I got ourselves out of debt though. God got us out of debt! We followed his leading and made some sacrafices and He provided for us in amazing ways!
It was actually a pretty amazing journey and I see now why God didn't pull us out of debt right away. He had a lot to teach us in the process and we are so much stronger and closer to Him for it. In the beginning when we were trying to get out of debt I know my whole heart wasn't there. I so desperately wanted to believe that we could get out of debt and I could still do everything I wanted to do. I could still go out to eat every week (multiple times a week), still have Target shopping sprees, etc. And, honestly, I started to believe that it would take us forever to get out of debt and that we would never get ahead. But, then something changed. I was praying about our situation and God seemed to let me know that if I was willing to do my part and put my whole heart into this, He would cover the rest. HOLY MOLY DID GOD COVER THE REST!!! He provided lump sum gifts from bonuses or gifts that helped us to really get started. Then He provided Nick with the opportunity to significantly increase his income and He provided me with the opportunity to make a bit of an income. And voila, we are debt free! Which is why I can't take any of the credit! God made this happen and I am so grateful!
I'm not writing this entry to brag in any way. I have NOTHING to brag about. I am only writing this to give God the glory He always deserves. And also to encourage any of you with a desire to get out of debt. Pray to God about your desires and He will provide in ways that you never expected. Everyones journey to get out of debt is and will be different and He will always do things in His own perfect timing. But, don't let yourself think you have to do it on your own. Our Heavenly Father wants to be actively involved in this and every other endeavor in our lives!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
you really can't go that long without a post! i was dying! lol...anyway, CONGRATS!! that is soooo exciting! i am so happy for the both of you. we have little debt and it is mostly on my end. frustrating, but we will get there, just like you and nick!
that's fantastic news!
GO Ramsey's!! That is so awesome!! I am SO proud of you!! Love you all!!
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