Wow, we have had a busy week! We have had something going on everyday! It makes the week really fly by! But, it can make it difficult to get much done! We do something fun in the morning and then by the time we get home and I put Max down for his nap I am exhausted and end up resting or taking a nap myself! Hopefully this weekend will be fairly restful. We don't have any big plans so that should be nice!
I think the biggest thing on our minds these days is that Sophie's arrival is about a month and a half away! I can't believe how fast being pregnant has gone by this time! Part of me is so ready for her to be here and another part of me is just savoring the one on one time with Max! I am definetly starting to get nervous about having two! But, I know that it will be wonderful at the same time!
I am very excited that Max and Sophie will be so close together in age. I always wanted that for my kids! Although, I have a feeling it will be a couple of years before I appreciate it! At least, that is what I hear from moms with kids about 2 years apart.
Let's see... what else has been going on in the Ramsey house? We have been doing a little "church shopping" lately. It has been difficult but really good for us at the same time. We love Northside so much and so many people there are just like family to us. But, with gas prices so high and time a precious commodity with small children we have been looking a little closer to home. It takes us about 40 minutes to get to Northside and we were finding ourselves avoiding serving and special activities because of the drive. We have spent quite a few Sundays at James River Assembly and we have really been enjoying that. Nick and I both never thought we would go there but have enjoyed the preaching and seeing God totally on the move through that church. Plus, Max loves his classes so that is a huge blessing to us. We are also hoping to try LifePoint in Ozark sometime soon. We are still attending Northside off and on as we have prior commitments to serve throughout the summer.
I guess that is about all for now! I hope everyone is enjoying summer! Can you beleive it is here already?
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
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