Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sound Doctrine

During my quiet time this afternoon I came across this in 1 Timothy and it has totally had me thinking!
1 Timothy 6:3-4
"If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing..."

I think this scripture is so important to our lives as Christians today. We live in a society where everywhere you turn people are ready to give advice. We have mounds of information packed into our brains and it can be so easy to forget the source. I often find myself getting of giving advice that is not biblical and I am realizing how dangerous this can be. I never intentionally lead people astray but ocassionally someone will ask me for advice and I will look back and realize that even if it wasn't "bad" advice, it might not have been Godly advice and as someone who openly professes Christianity I need to make sure people know where my advice is coming from. I know when I was a very new Christian I assumed any advice I got from a Christian was biblical advice and I was very often led in the wrong direction. Many Christians have given me advice on marriage, parenting, handling money, etc. that I later found to not be in line with the word of God.

So, I guess I am realizing some very important things today during this quiet time!
  • as Christians we must never give advice that is against God's word
  • if we are giving advice on a subject God is silent on we must be straightforward about that and explain that we are only giving our opinion and that the person should pray about it for themselves... we can't lead our brothers and sisters into sin!
  • we need to know God's word so that we can help others

Father God, help all of us Christians to be true to you. You are so gracious and loving to provide us with truth on so many aspects of our lives. You know how you want us to live and you give us the wonderful gift of fellowship to help us learn from other believers. Help us to never malign Your word under any circumstances. Help us to lay down our pride and not always feel the need to be an expert on every subject but to always turn to you, The Expert on everything! We love you Father! Help us to glorify you and to lift one another up. Help us to be especially careful when talking to people who do not yet know you or new believers that we will not lead them away from who you really are! Amen.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

I'm glad you posted this! I have a friend who I give advice to a lot (I feel a bit like a mother hen towards her), and I need to really make sure what I'm saying isn't something God would be unhappy about.

Thank you again for having such an uplifting blog. I check it often and am always so happy to see you've written! I hope everything is going well!