God gives you the answers you were looking for!
A lot of you know we have been searching for a church home since we moved here. I think everyone knows how stressful and hard that can be. We went to a lot of really awesome churches and listened to some amazing preachers. But, we just weren't finding a church where we fit. We believe that one of the main reasons to go to church is fellowship with other believers but a lot of the churches we visited didn't have Sunday school classes. Some of them had small groups but most didn't offer childcare so there was no way for us to be involved there.
Well, the first week we tried a church we went to the First Baptist Church of Wentzville. We just went to the service and about half way through they paged us that Max was having a hard time in the nursery so we left early. We thought the church was okay. The music was fine but the church was pretty traditional overall without all of the bells and whistles and "cool" style we had gotten used to at James River in Ozark. So, we kind of let it go. A week after attending we got a call from a Sunday school teacher inviting us to come back and visit their class and a call from the church asking if the pastor could come visit us. We said no to both requests thinking we would keep looking. So, we starting going to more "contemporary churches". We went to some really good ones! But, like I said, they just didn't seem to fit us! So this week I got a letter in the mail from the Baptist church inviting us to take their class to learn more about the church. I asked Nick if we could try going again just to see. No other churches had reached out to us at all and this one had reached out to us several times!
So, this morning we got up early and made the decision to go to Sunday school and church. We checked the kids into the nursery and went to the Welcome Desk to get directions to a Sunday School class. Some very nice men reccomended a class and walked us to it. We were immediately greeted and welcomed by several members of the class. Most of the class members were quite a bit older than us (people always think Nick is older than he is because of his lack of hair!) But, wow everyone was so warm and welcoming. Then we actually learned in Sunday school! Everyone participated in the lesson and I could tell I was in a room full of people passionate about the world of God. I am sure Nick and I looked like total dorks because we were sitting there with the hugest smiles on our faces! Then after class several other people welcomed us and talked with us for awhile. The lady I sat next to and chatted with was super nice. She ended up sitting next to us during the service and afterwards she gave me her contact information and said she would love to help in any way and get to know us better! (Yay, I maybe made my first friend in St. Louis!)
Then after church we met up with my mom and grandma for lunch at Arby's. As we were eating the teachers of the Sunday school class we attended stopped by because they recognized us. After we ate and my mom and grandma left they came and sat down with us and just made us feel so welcome! Then they gave us their contact information in case we needed anything! (They are a really sweet older couple).
Anyway, I know that was a really long boring story! But, I have just been praying for someone to reach out to us and today so many people reached out to us and made us feel so welcome. It was also neat to see a really traditional church so on-fire for the Lord and so excited about His Word! They also have lots of things for us to get involved in which makes me very excited!
Anyway, I just want to thank you all so much for your prayers during this journey! Nick and I are both feeling so good tonight and both agree today was one of the best days we have had since coming to St. Louis! (Next to the day Sophie was born of course!)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
i'm so glad you've finally found a great church! it makes a huge difference when the church reaches out to you--it's something that our church is working on.
i like your post below, too. when i'm feeling discouraged i try to remember to list all the things i'm thankful for and it always makes me feel better. god has blessed in so many ways!
That's so great! Count your blessings, indeed ;)
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