I had been hesitant to comment on politics here. But, this morning I thought, "hey, it is my blog! I can write what I want" So, I think I will!
In yesterday's election I voted for John McCain. I didn't vote for him because I am a huge fan, although there is a lot I do like about him. I voted for him because I didn't want Obama to win. The main reason I didn't want him to win was because I am a capitalist to the core and I hate socialism. I do not believe in "spreading the wealth". I have always believed in the American Dream that if you work hard you can achieve anything you want. But, you have to do the work. I think that robbing from the rich to give to the poor hurts everyone. Rich people are having money that they earned taken away from them and the poor are given a handout taking away from them the right to work hard and have a sense of achievment.
Now, before I sound insensitive I do believe in helping the poor. Infact, God tells us to give to the poor. But, I don't agree with the way the government does it. I have known too many people living off of their government checks sitting at home watching their big screen tvs and playing their playstations. But, I have also seen amazing organizations help the poor. I have seen them give to them when they are down and help them rebuild their lives and become self-sufficiant again. I think that is what we should be doing. And I think it is what we should be doing by choice, not by government mandate!
I strongly believe in less government not more. So, obviously, there is no way I could have voted for Obama.
But, with that being said, I am so excited that our country nominated an African-American president. I love that my children will get to grow up in a country where that is possible and I hope that it helps our nation grow even further away from our sad history. I hope that it helps my children to grow up in a generation that says we are all created equal and know it!
I am very dissapointed that Obama won because of his economic policies. And, I am a little nervous about our economic future as a country because of that. However, instead of complaining about it, I am choosing to accept Barack Obama as our next president. I love America and I intend to stand behind my president. God is not suprised that Barack Obama is the president-elect today. And, because I serve a mighty God I will sleep peacefully at night knowing that He is in control!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
I'm glad you posted this. It's a comfort to know there are like-minded people out there, especially after being in a liberal academic environment every day where people assume because you're there, you feel the way they do. Thanks, Katie :)
you're right: He's in control!
i'm in your boat. so is b. we said a lot of prayers last night and we still are. however, i am praying for comfort in knowing who will lead our country for the next 4 years. i trust in our Lord and i trust that this is his way of giving his blessing to Obama. i'm not thrilled, but complaining and wishing for something else is not going to change anything. :)
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