Okay, I really hate to use my blog for negative things, but I have to vent for a second! Writing things down is the best form of getting feelings out for me, so here we go....
I sometimes think people don't think being a stay at home mom is a real job! People seem to expect me to just do whatever they need because obviously, I have so much extra time because I am home all day. I would venture to say that I have LESS time since I stay at home all day. When I was going to school I had the opportunity to have 5 or 10 minutes by myself before class to return phone calls or do quick paperwork. Or, I could easily run an errand on my way to or from class because I was all by myself. Now, I don't have the time to do those things. I mean, chances are I will get the time sometime during the day, but I have no idea when that will be. And, there is no gurantee! Infact, the only reason I am getting to type this right now is because I am listening to my poor little girl cry and fight a nap in her crib. Which, as any mother who has let her baby cry it out knows, is heart wrenching!
I know, it is really my issue. I need to set better boundaries with people. I need to learn to say "no". But, I am a people pleaser and that is really hard for me. So, for now, I will just vent about it:-)
I absolutely LOVE being a stay-at-home mom. But, I will not sugar coat it... it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! And, if you don't think it is a real "job" feel free to come try it out for the next 72 hours and then let me know what you think!
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1 week ago
doesn't it feel good to get that off your chest?? now, take a deep breath, fix a cup of tea (when you have time) and just let it go. many people don't know have to appreciate lots of things and stay at home moms is just one of those things. you are awesome, and i would be a stay at home mom in a second, if i could.
i'm not a stay at home mom all the time like you are, but i get a taste of it every summer and on school holidays. it is a tough job--more than people who have never done it realize!
my hat is off to you today, katie, and i'll say a prayer that you get some free time sometime today too. :)
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