Some days I feel like the world is just screaming at me! "Be an independent, career minded woman! Put yourself first! If you don't feel head over heals in love with your husband today, move on! Your children will be just as happy in daycare 60 hours a week as they will be at home! Buy what you want now and pay later! You deserve it! You deserve it! You deserve it!"
Well, guess what world, I don't deserve ANYTHING! I am a sinner saved by grace and everything given to me is so much more than I could ever begin to earn myself! God has blessed me so lavishly that I can't even wrap my mind around it!
I feel comfortable sharing what is on my mind today because almost everyone (that I know of) that reads this blog is a like-minded Godly women! And, I know that you all share my heart for being a woman who is pleasing to the Lord.
As I was putting away laundry today I just had a total feeling of joy come over me as I put my husband's socks in his drawer. Okay, now before you stop reading and call the nearest mental institution to see if you can have me commited, let me finish! I get so much joy out of helping my husband! I think I feel so much joy doing it because it is what God created me to be, a helpmeet to my husband! I love getting to take care of him and make his life easier. I love helping him succeed in every way possible! I love that I get to take part in who he becomes!
And you know what is weird to me is that I don't feel the need to "make a name" for myself! When people only know me as "Nick's wife" it brings a smile to my face! I am happy to be known as his wife and associated with him! I love that when we got married God made us into one! It gives me such peace and happiness.
Now, this isn't to say that I don't enjoy a little time to myself! I love it! But, I also love coming back together again! I am so blessed to be able to stay home and work at being a helper to my husband. I love that he entrusts me with the responsibilities of raising our children, handling our finances, and running our home. I know that he totally trusts me and I love taking care of these things for our family!
This might be coming out a little 1920's housewife. If a feminist is reading this she is probably ready to jump through the screen and smack some sense into me. Sorry! It is just how I feel! I LOVE taking care of my husband and helping him succeed. I LOVE taking care of my children and helping them succeed. Some days it is so hard I just want to sit on the floor and cry because I haven't gotten a minute all day to go to the bathroom by myself. But, even on those days I am grateful!
I am so grateful that I know who Christ is and that I can feel peace in being pleasing to Him. I know that the world sees my life as boring. I know that people in our world would say, "you have a degree, go use it!" Well, if I have it my way, I will NEVER use it! I believe that the greatest thing I can do with my life is be a helper to my husband throughout our entire lives! I love that he doesn't have to worry about laundry and housework because I take care of it during the day. I love that he can spend his time doing the "man work" when he is at home, OR just spending time with our family!
I hope I have expressed my emotions clearly! It can be hard sometimes when you are so passionate about something!
But, I am just feeling so blessed today that I had to share!
Heavenly Father, Please help me to be a woman who is pleasing to you! Help me to ignore what the world says I should be because my hope is not in this world, it is in You. Help me to serve my family with a joyful heart and to feel fulfillment through that. Help me to seek You in all that I do. Amen!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
AMEN! what a powerful blog, katie!! the way you write makes me want to just jump out of my seat and give you a hug! (too bad i can't...) we are soooo in the same boat it is not even funny. i want to be a mommmy and wife and never use my degree either! nothing brings me more joy and having b tell me how much he loves that i do his laundry for him! it's awesome. keep 'em coming and God Bless!
nick is one lucky guy to have a wife like you! he's one of my very best friends from all through school and i've seen him struggle with so many things along the way--i'm thrilled beyond belief that he's happy and has such an amazing wife and family.
big (((hugs))) to both of you today!
i would love some book recommendations! b and i are slowly reading "the idiots guide to a perfect marriage" which is good, but does not have that spiritual edge to it. we would like something that has challenges and a workbook type style to it. foco has like, NO bible studies. it sucks. grrrr
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