Can you believe some moms feed their children candy before breakfast? And some moms let their children watch TV everyday! And some of these same moms let their babies cry it out before bed!
Okay, I am sorry, but enough is enough! We as moms have got to chill out! I have heard of several moms in the past few weeks having "mini breakdowns" because of all of the pressure they feel to be a good mom. In the desire to be the best mom, moms across the country are spending hours making homemade baby food, using Clorox wipes on every inch of their home, arranging play dates and activities for their children, co-sleeping with their babies and children, wearing them in slings all day so that they don't cry and can feel bonded, and spending every waking hour trying to be the best mom and not neglect any of their childrens needs. And of course, making sure to spend time putting down moms that do not do things the exact same way they do!
We have got to stop! Sisters, our God has called us to a life of freedom in Him! Not bondage to our children! Yes, I do think it is important to be a good mom. But, what makes a good mom?
I am sorry, but children are not going to be seriously harmed by occassionally spending a day in front of the TV! And they are not going to spend years in therapy because their mother let them cry for a few minutes in their high chair while she finished her coffee! And you have got to be kidding me if you think your 1 year old needs a playdate to learn social skills! If you want to go on playdates, DO IT! But, do it because YOU want to and not because you will be harming your child's future if you don't! Sure it is good to have your children out but they will get that at church and other events. Don't stress yourself out about it!
We are not harming our children by not being perfect moms. But, I think we might be harming them in our obsession to try! Sisters, I write this because I am one of the moms who has tried to be perfect and I have FAILED! And I am DONE!
Instead of spending time researching whether letting my children cry it out at night will emotionally damage them for life, I am going to go with my gut and spend those hours playing trains with my son. Instead of freaking out about making a perfectly balanced meal on those really busy days I am going to drive through McDonalds and then spend that hour singing to my daughter. And instead of feeling that the only way to be a good mom is to spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with my kiddos I am going to call a sitter and spend the evening gazing into my husband's eyes over a dinner that I can eat hot! And instead of judging other moms for doing things differently than I do I am going to spend time building Godly friendships and living in the joy of the salvation I have been given!
Sisters, lets use God's measuring stick instead of our own. If you need it to measure how you are doing as a mom go ahead... it is the cross. And on it we are given His grace! If we are in relationship with the Lord and live our lives in His grace we are going to be good moms. Maybe not the best... maybe our kids will still refuse to eat broccoli, still throw tantrums in public, and still pick their nose and flick it. And while it would be best to try to accomplish these earthly goals, let us not spend all our time trying to be the perfect mom, but instead spend time teaching our children about the Perfect love of Christ and being a living example of His love and grace to our children. If we can do this we will recieve the fruits of His spirit and we will be good moms!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago