I really look forward to when Sophie gets here! For me, one of the hardest parts of being pregnant is dealing with the hormones. I consider myself a pretty happy and upbeat person so dealing with hormones is really hard for me. Today I am just having one of those days. I want to just sit around and cry! But, there is NOTHING wrong! I find that so frustrating!
But, I guess aside from that everything in our little house is going great! Max is doing fabulously and learning so much! We are really enjoying the fruits of our labor in training him to sleep because he is such a good sleeper now! I remember when he was little having to listen to him cry for hours because he didn't want to sleep but was totally exhausted! But, those days are no more... and haven't been for awhile but we are just now seeing the full effect of using the BabyWise method with our little guy. Since he knows that bed time is bed time no matter what he totally joyfully goes to bed now! The other night I asked him if he needed more milk or if he was ready to brush his teeth and go "night night". He shouts "teeth!" jumps up and runs to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Then he sits and brushes his teeth! I then said, "okay, it is time for night night" So, he runs into his room, grabs his blankie and tries to climb into his crib himself! We picked him up, gave him kisses, layed him down, shut the door and didn't hear from him again until 8am the next day! And, this is basically how it goes every night!
I love the BabyWise sleep method because it has totally allowed Nick and I to be on the same page and always be consistant with Max. Having a toddler has made me realize how consistancy is so essential to their little world. They are SO much happier when they know what to expect and know what their boundaries are! Not to mention, that using BabyWise has allowed us to still be a married couple! Max goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:15 and then we still get to have 2 hours of quality time together before we go to bed. Last night Max went to bed and then we sat drinking tea/coffee and chatting for like an hour and a half and it was just so nice and relaxing!
Anyway, that is what is going on in our house! Hopefully everyone is doing well and staying healthy!
Love, Katie
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
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