Every once in awhile I catch the moving bug. It ususally doesn't last long and it doesn't happen very often, but today I definetly have it bad! I really wish we could move and be closer to family. It hits me the most during small holidays like Memorial Day or Mother's Day. Days where you really wouldn't drive 4 1/2 hours to spend with family but if they were close by you would definetly be with them. Most of our friends have family in town or within an hour so on holidays and special occassions they are hanging out with their families and we spend them alone. Not that we sit around moping. We definetly make the best of them! And we are truly content within our little family of 3 (almost 4) but I do think it is something that people who do have family around really can't relate to. Nick's family lives fairly close but they just aren't the kind of family that gets together for things like my family is.
It is especially hard living so far away when I want a date night with my hubby or my family is doing something fun I want to be a part of. I am also super close to my grandma and she really doesn't drive. So, I would give anything to be there and be able to take her to run errands once a week and things like that.
Don't get me wrong. I love where we live. I love our friends so much and we truly have a home here. But, when you have little kids it is hard being away. I want my children to have a close relationship with my parents and I want them to grow up with family around. And, even though we are close and can visit often it just isn't quite the same as being able to see them every week.
Of course, I am sure we won't move. Nick loves his job and we are just kind of tied down here for now. I guess maybe I wish we could just move all of my family here!
Anyway, I am just asking God to give me peace and to carry out His will in our lives. If that will is here than I want to have peace about living here. If it is to move than I pray that he will open doors for that and show us opportunities. Please be praying for me in these areas!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
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