It is so hard to accept criticism. I think by nature we naturally get really defensive when anyone questions anything we are doing! But, I am so thankful for friends who are still willing to speak truth to me!
Today I was talking to one of my best friends and she mentioned to me that she was reading "Created to Be His Helpmeet" again. She was talking about how it is so hard to be a wife sometimes but we need to look at it as an honor and a blessing given to us by God! She mentioned the importance of being a happy wife and oh my it hit home with me. I told her I had a tendency to be a grump around my husband and she totally called me on it! I was sick today and having a rough time with Max (gotta love the terrible 2's!!) and I was just in such a foul mood. I was totally prepared to totally vent to Nick as soon as he walked through the door. But, thank goodness for our conversation! When Nick walked through the door I was able to greet him with a smile and a kiss! I later told him about my rough day but we went on to have an amazing and fun evening together!
I totally want to be a helper to my husband! I want him to want to come home to me! I am so grateful to my friend for being so honest with me. It is so easy when we admit to something we are doing for our friends to just say, "that's okay, it happens" but what a blessing it is when instead they say, "well you need to stop doing that!!"
Lord, help me to speak truth to my friends and to receive truth with an open heart!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
a group of ladies at my church did a study on that book a few years ago and it highlighted some of my biggest flaws as a wife. being cranky and venting to my husband as soon as he walks in the door is one of mine and i was overdue for a reminder of it!
i hope max snaps out of the terrible twos soon. some other ladies replied to my last blog post and said their children did the same thing when siblings were born. the good news: it gets better!
thanks katie! i used a blog layout website. i am not sure which one and i don't know why the icon is on the page there, but i saw a different layout on someone else's blog that had a link to it. if i figure it out i will let you know! :)
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