Forgiveness is something I have struggled with since becoming a Christian. It is hard to remember and completely wrap my mind around the fact that when I repent I am totally and completely forgiven. And, even with all of God's amazing grace, sometimes I struggle with forgiving others.
For me it is not too difficult to forgive people who hurt me (anymore!). I know I have hurt others and that I am far from perfect. But, where I really am struggling right now is with people who hurt the people that I love. I often feel like "do what you want to me, but if you even think about hurting my husband or son (or friend or family member!)...." How do you go about forgiving those who hurt someone you love so much? Especially when they continue to hurt that person over and over again!
I know that God's grace is sufficient for everyone and that forgiveness is really about me and that by forgiving them I am not letting them off the hook, and.... I KNOW these things in my head! But, it is so hard to put into practice!! It is so hard to not want people to "pay" for what they do.
So, if you are reading this... please pray for me! I don't want to let anyone (especially the person/people I have in mind right now) to get between me and God. I want to be forgiving and loving to everyone and obviously people who are willing to hurt others so much need to see God's love. Pray for me that God will help me to forgive everyday and that He will show me how when I feel like I can't! Please pray that I will remember God's Word which says, "If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared." Psalm 130:3-4
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1 week ago
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