Sunday, April 27, 2008


I am currently reading, Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans. I love reading marriage books! I think I have a pretty wonderful marriage but I am so excited by the thought that it can always improve and I love that I have a husband who constantly works with me to make our marriage the best it can be. I am currently reading a chapter on the book about priorities and it has really got me taking a closer look at my priorities in life. The book suggests that our priorities probably should look like this:
  1. God - seeking and serving Him personally
  2. Spouse
  3. Children (if you have any)
  4. Church - seeking and serving God together with His Body
  5. Extended family and special friends
  6. Work and career
  7. Hobbies and other interests

I think it is so easy to make our children our main priority because they "demand" it much of the time. But, I don't want to be the kind of mom who is ruled by her children. And, I don't think it would be healthy for them either! So, I am striving to make sure I have my priorities in order! I pray that God will reveal to me any that are out of order!

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