Thursday, April 24, 2008

I have never been unloved

Some days (like today) I just can't wrap my mind around God's amazing love for His children! We saw this video in church a long time ago and I came across it today and couldn't help but be moved again by it! I can relate to every single verse... I have been unteachable, unkind, unemotional, unworthy, etc.! I think we all have! And yet, even when we are at our worst God still loves us.

I think as I get older I am seeing how most people's love is conditional. I always thought that families (parent/child and husband/wife relationships) were based on uncoditional love but I am discovering that even in those relationships unconditional love isn't always there. I believe that I love my husband and son unconditionally... but it is nowhere near God's love!

I don't know. I guess I am just so grateful for God's unconditional love today!

1 comment:

Christina said...

What a great video clip!! God's unconditionalness IS amazing and so hard to grasp!! He is SO GOOD to us, even when we don't deserve it!! THANKS for sharing!