One of my favorite things to write about in my blog is what God is teaching me. I tend to write about that a lot because God is always teaching me something! Wow, I have SO much to learn. Recently, God has been teaching me about tithing and it has been mind blowing. The principles are so simple and yet I was just ingnoring it!
God has always blessed our little family so much. Even when we have not been faithful with giving 10% to our church he has been faithful to us. In fact, beyond just giving us what we need he has showered us beyond that! We are so blessed and so rich in so many ways. Every month we are able to pay all of our bills and ever since we have become dedicated to becoming debt free we have not had to carry over any debt.
For awhile we were not giving a full tithe. And, while I felt guilty, I was very quick to justify it in my mind. "Well, we are trying to get out of debt" or "God isn't legalistic about these things. I won't go to Hell if I don't tithe". While these things were totally true they still weren't sitting right with me. Recently I have asked God to teach me more about this area and he made the answers so plain and clear! Everything we have is His!!! EVERYTHING! All he asks is that we give him 10%. That is like nothing! Yet somehow I was justifying lunches out but I didn't have money to give to God? Are you kidding me??? I could buy fun things but not give God His money. Wow, I was so misled.
Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me for my wrong attitudes about money. Please forgive me for being selfish while you have remained so selfless. Help me to think about you and your priorities with every dollar I spend. Thank you for giving so much to our family. Thank you for showing us your priorities for money and for teaching us to be givers! Help me to daily remember that you come first in all things!
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